Rihanna ana mengi ya kusherehekea mwaka huu, ikiwa ni siku chache baada ya kutimiza miaka 29.
Muimbaji huyo ametajwa kama 2017 Harvard University Humanitarian of the Year, heshima ambayo inamweka kwenye ligi moja na katibu mkuu wa zamani wa Umoja wa Mataifa, Kofi Annan na muigizaji James Earl Jones.
Heshima hiyo imetokana na shughuli zake za kusaidia elimu katika nchi maskini kupitia taasisi yake ya Clara and Lionel Foundation.
Mkurugenzi wa taasisi ya Harvard, S. Allen Counter amemuelezea Rihanna:
Rihanna has charitably built a state-of-the-art center for oncology and nuclear medicine to diagnose and treat breast cancer at the Queen Elizabeth Hospital in Bridgetown, Barbados,” Counter said. “She has also created the Clara and Lionel Foundation Scholarship Program for students attending college in the U.S. from Caribbean countries, and supports the Global Partnership for Education and Global Citizen Project, a multiyear campaign that will provide children with access to education in over 60 developing countries.
Hivi karibuni Rihanna alitembelea nchi ya Malawi.
Hakuna maoni:
Chapisha Maoni